Written by Denise Gary
There will be lots of crazy fun happening this weekend deep in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia. Yes, Dragon*Con has arrived! Kids Need to Read will be there with Austin Browncoats in joint booths 1005 and 1007, Exhibitor Hall 1, Marriott Imperial Ballroom. Be sure to visit us, because we have a lot going on.
Bring your kids by for a free copy of Highlights for Children magazine (while quantities last). These excellent magazines are wonder-tools for getting kids to read, so bring your kids to our booth to pick one up. Kids need to read, and we have cool stuff for them to read!!!
The Softwire Series author and KNTR Founder PJ Haarsma will be signing on Saturday, September 5th, from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. All proceeds will go to KNTR. We want to keep our founder entertained, so please come by and tell him a funny joke. We have special prizes for all joke-tellers (while quantities last), whether hilarious or horrendous! We will laugh, we promise!
The Kids Need to Read Foundation 2010 wall calendars will be on sale. The calendars are a beautiful testament of support for childhood literacy. They feature inspiring photographs by award-winning photographer Allen Patrou of Apatrou Photography, as well as compelling quotes from some of our great KNTR authors and information about the Kids Need to Read mission. Because the calendars were supported by sponsors, 100 percent of the purchase price will benefit Kids Need to Read. Have PJ sign your calendar!
Our KNTR Terrify’n Space Monkeys are planning to stow away and wreak havoc at the convention. They have their flair and badges ready so they can infiltrate unnoticed. But little do they know, we will be trying to pass these troublesome critters off on unsuspecting victims. Don’t you want a special “con monkey” of your very own? Please?
- Last year’s highly successful Jayne Hat Knit-a-thon by Austin Browncoats is being repeated this year. Pledges of $86 per hat have already been received! Keep the pledges coming, because all proceeds benefit KNTR. You can pledge online or at our booths (1005 and 1007). By making a pledge, you enter yourself into a drawing for some fabulous prizes, including some items from KNTR! Buy the hats hot off of Claudia’s knitting needles to help KNTR even further!
PJ and Denise will be guests on the Browncoats: Redemption panel at 11:30 AM Sunday morning (Marriott L401-403). You can ask PJ probing questions about the happenings on the set of Browncoats: Redemption while he was there filming his cameo.
Come have fun with KNTR, PJ, Austin Browncoats and Big Damn Fan Films at Dragon*Con 2009! You’ll be helping us help kids succeed through the power of literacy.