MICHAEL’S BOOK BYTES: A Visit with James A. Owen

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Introduction to Michael’s Book Bytes

Kids Need to Read’s youngest volunteer is 11-year-old Michael. He came to us through his interest in PJ Haarsma’s books and online game. His enthusiasm for reading and cooking is infectious. Not one to just sit around chatting, Michael asked to be put to work immediately. We have given him the assignment to share his views on the books he reads and any literary topics he wishes to cover. We feel it is important to listen to the voice of children. Not stopping there, we insisted that he share his great recipes with us as well. We’re not kidding-the kid can cook!

We hope you will stop by occasionally to enjoy Michael’s Book Bytes. Nothing is better than chocolate…but this almost is!

Without further ado…here is the first installment of Michael’s Book Bytes!


A Visit with James A. Owen

James Owens at CTA

James A. Owen, author of Here, There Be Dragons, came to CTA Goodman Elementary to talk about his book, Here, There Be Dragons. But he didn’t talk much about his book. He talked about what happened in his life, kind of like PJ Haarsma’s approach.

When he was little, his mom was a painter, and he was a drawer. When he was 11 years old, he got very sick. He became allergic to everything: pizza, flowers, even his toys! One day when he was at the hospital, he discovered that the gift shop had comic books. He read EVERYTHING! His ring is even a Superman ring! One day, he was relocated to a room with 6 beds. The boy in the first bed died first. The boy in the second bed died second . . . James was next. But then, at the gift shop, there was Superman. Suddenly, he got better.

Years later, while driving, James was in an accident and broke his middle and index knuckles on his right hand. The doctors said that he could never draw again, but he did.

James currently resides in Silvertown, Arizona and is writing his third book in his The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica series.

Michael and James
(Michael interviewing James A. Owen at CTA Goodman Elementary.)

Now for a little Q&A:

Q: Have you ever met Brandon Mull, author of Fablehaven, Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star and The Candy Shop War?

A: Yes! He’s been to CTA Goodman before.

Q: What is Starchild, your first comic series, about?

A: Mysterious strangers telling stories on one special day.

Q: How did you learn to draw?

A: Lots and lots of practice! And get a JCPenney’s catalog (because it has everything to draw: men, women, kids, furniture, etc.)!

Q: What is Lost Treasures of the Pirates of the Caribbean about?

A: Elijah was hired by pirates to make treasure maps for them. He taught his son and his grandson. One day, the pirates found out that Elijah was keeping a copy of the maps.

After all of that was over, I asked James A. Owen to come and see my classroom door, which looked like this:
Classroom Door

Here is James A. Owen with the door:
James admires classroom door


Here, There Be DRAGONS’ Blood Sorbet (or drink)

1 (46-ounce) can red punch (recommended: Hawaiian Punch)
1 (46-ounce) can apple juice
1 (48-ounce) bottle cranberry juice
1 (2-liter) bottle ginger ale
2 cups granulated sugar
2 Tbsp lime juice

Ice cream churner
Food processor or blender

Blend all of this in food processor or blender. Mix/pulse 7-10 times. Chill in fridge for 4 hours. You can drink now or do this: Chill ice cream churner in freezer. Then blend all of it. Eat it now or chill at least 4 hours in freezer. Then eat.


About Michael

Michael is a sixth grade student who loves to read and cook. That’s right, cook! He joined Kids Need to Read because he thought that it would be a great opportunity to help everyone open up to literacy. “When you read, you read. When you watch TV, you watch TV. When you create a story, you open your mind.” — Michael

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