KNTR Meets the ChalleNGe in Wyoming

Kids Need to Read is proud to have donated forty books valued at $540 to the Wyoming Youth ChalleNGe Program in Guernsey, Wyoming.  This group is part of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe program, a semi-military program that provides second chances to teens ages 16-19.  Their dedicated volunteers and teachers work hard to provide books for their students – literally combing garage sales for suitable texts.  Their funding is such that primary needs must come first, and books are hard to come by for them.

Many of the cadets in this program read at levels below their age group, but it is common for teens enrolled in the five month course to improve their reading skills dramatically.  Cadre Team Leader Arthur Lowther says of the cadets:

It’s often a task to get them to sleep at night due to the fact they want to finish the next chapter. 

After the books were received, CTL Lowther sent us this update:

Wanted to let you know we just received the books tonight!  We are greatly appreciative, and the Cadets are extremely excited to start reading them.  Shortly we will be sending you a picture of the Cadets with the books.  Again thank you very much!

Kids Need to Read is happy to have helped this group continue their efforts to provide these kids with a better chance in life.

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