Written by Denise Gary
There are two Phoenix area book drives underway this holiday season and they are benefiting Kids Need to Read in a spectacular way! The Chandler Barnes & Noble has already presented KNTR with nearly 2,000 new books and they are not finished yet. Although we do not yet know how many, Waldenbooks on Bell Road in Phoenix is also collecting a lot of books. This is in addition to the several hundred books they gathered for us earlier this year. We could not be more appreciative of the friendships we have with these two supportive bookstores. Their gifts are making a huge impact upon our program. Please stop by and tell them thank you for assisting us in inspiring literacy among children less fortunate.
Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Drive
Ends Friday, December 31, 2010
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Chandler Fashion Mall
3111 W. Chandler Blvd #2054
Chandler, AZ 85226
Waldenbooks Holiday Book Drive
Ends Friday, December 24, 2010
302 E Bell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85022
(602) 863-2424
Battling Illiteracy and High Dropout Rates
Please remember Kids Need to Read during your year-end giving. It is always a joy to receive letters explaining how our work has touched so many children’s lives, but that joy is always tempered by the many heartfelt requests still awaiting our assistance. Please stand with us against illiteracy and high dropout rates, which currently affects a quarter of our nation’s high school students!