From Our Shelves to Yours
Fill a shelf; fuel a mind. Imagine the possibilities!
Young heroes in peril . . . Challenges and adversity . . . Life-changing decisions . . . Like a classic tale played out between the covers of a book, this story is taking place in the real world everyday for countless children across the country, and Kids Need to Read is committed to helping write as many happy endings as possible.
But young minds cannot thrive on an empty shelf. Just as the hero longs for a noble adventure and a rocket requires fuel to fly, every child’s imagination is a place of infinite possibility, needing the proper spark to ignite its true potential. Once catalyzed, this flame can become self-sustaining—an unstoppable force with the capacity to change lives. Indeed, it may even change the future itself.
Growing line up of programs!
That is why Kids Need to Read’s growing lineup of popular and interactive literacy programs will always revolve around one simple core commitment: getting books in the hands of children who desperately need them. From Our Shelves to Yours.
Reading from a young age can do so much more than entertain. It inspires confidence, encourages perspective, bridges the perceived differences between people, and forms a fundamental stepping stone to better communication skills overall. In fact, we believe it is the single most important skill a child can develop to become a productive member of society. Books open children’s minds to a world of opportunities—many never before considered—while stimulating their intellect, imagination, and intelligence, especially during their formative years.

Our mission is far from over
With such tremendous power quite literally at our fingertips, it seems an injustice that any child should ever go without. However, as budget cutbacks impact school systems, funding for libraries is often one of the first things cut, leaving many schools unable to buy new books for their students . . . and leaving our young heroes in danger of losing their way.
But those shelves need not stay bare. Nor will they with our combined commitment. Kids Need to Read was established to help reverse this disastrous trend by providing exciting new books to underfunded libraries, school systems, and independent literacy programs. Through the tireless generosity of our donors, volunteers and staff, we have already returned hundreds of thousands of books to those once bare shelves, and countless smiles to the faces of disadvantaged children in our nation’s most underprivileged areas.
Although we have come a long way in a very short time, our story is far from finished. There is still a long journey ahead of us, filled with perils, pitfalls, and dragons. Okay, maybe not the dragons. But with hard work and determination, we will continue turning every The End into brand new beginnings, and helping turn the page to a brighter tomorrow.