A Gift from Young Hearts: Letters from the Kids

Kids Need to Read received a beautiful gift from the students of Sutro Elementary School in San Francisco, California. We hope all of our supporters will find pleasure in knowing the books sent to Sutro found such a wonderful, caring home. Please enjoy the messages so kindly sent by these terrific kids.

Dear Kids Need to Read Foundation,

Thank you for all the wonderful books. We really appreciate it, and will learn a lot from reading them. Everyone in our school will be so happy that we got new books in our library. I wish that we could repay you with something. All these books must be very expensive. Thank you for donating!


Dear Kids Need to Read Foundation,

Thank you very much for donating books for our school library. We really appreciate it. We will use the books nicely. We won’t do bad things to them. It really helps our school library because other people can read it in our school if other children are interested. We
will all read them and will not waste them. This means a lot to our school because reading is important. Kids can learn a lot by reading.

Donating books helps our school a lot. Thank you for your kindness. You are very helpful. We hope you donate more books to help more children learn how to read.


Dear Kids Need to Read Foundation,

Thank you for the library books that you gave to my school. I appreciate your kindness and that you gave us a lot of books. I wish we could repay you for all this stuff. Every kid in the school will love the books. You guys helped the whole school because now we can read more books instead of our old ones. Now you made our school a little more special. Now we don’t have to buy books for a little while because you donated many books. I just can’t wait until I read the books you sent us.


Dear Kids Need to Read Foundation,

Thank you for donating books to our library. I am excited to read the books because it is important and sometimes fun to read. I might even learn some things. I don’t know the titles of the books you donated, but I am grateful. We appreciate your donations and will try to take care of them.

That was really thoughtful and nice of you to donate some books or a lot of books to us. We don’t really get a lot of book donations, so that is why we are so happy.


Dear Kids Need to Read,

Thank you for donating the books to our library. I can’t wait to read all the books that you donated. I know I’ll read them because I like to read. We really appreciate you for donating all those books. I think that kids need to read books, because books are very important.

Jun Wan

Dear Kids Need to Read,

Thank you for donating the books to our library. I can’t wait to read them because they sound like interesting books. I can’t even imagine all of the books I’m going to read. There will be even more books that I can check out from the library. I know many students will enjoy reading the books you donated to our school’s library. We really appreciate your donation.


Dear Kids Need to Read,

Thank you for giving us those books. The books you gave us are great. We are very happy you gave them to us. We are thankful for your help. Our school is lucky we have some books from you. Our school is lucky that we have some science fiction books now.

Thank you for the books. Our librarian is labeling them and putting them on the shelf now. We are happy you gave us some new things to read. Thank you for the books.


Dear Kids Need to Read,

Thank you so much for donating the books to our school. We really needed them because we don’t have a lot of cool, interesting books like those. I cannot wait to start reading one because they look really great. Thank you again for the wonderful books!


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